
Privacy Policy for TheMind AI

Effective Date: October 6, 2023

1. Introduction
   - Welcome to "TheMind AI" (a service provided by DCTR Inc.). This privacy policy has been created to inform our users about the type of information we collect, the purpose of its collection, and how it's used. 

2. Personal Data Collection
   - When you use our tools, we collect the following personal data:
     - Name
     - Email

3. Non-personal Data Collection
   - We use web cookies to enhance your experience. These cookies do not store any personal data.

4. Purpose of Data Collection
   - The data we collect is exclusively used for order processing.

5. Data Sharing
   - We respect your privacy. DCTR Inc. does not share your personal data with any other parties.

6. Children's Privacy
   - Thoughts is not designed to cater to children and as such, we do not intentionally collect data from anyone under the age of 13.

7. Updates to the Privacy Policy
   - Any updates or changes to this privacy policy will be communicated to users via email. We advise you to regularly check this policy to be informed of any changes.

8. Contact Us
   - If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please email us at

Thank you for trusting Thoughts and DCTR Inc. with your data. We are committed to ensuring your privacy and data security.